Hi Guys...Hapy New Year Gong Xi Fa Cai...
After all the heavy boozing and Gambling its time to hit back to the pitch again to ply our trade.
Fitness and stamina are going to be affected in one way or another but its okay we can always pick up again. Then again...an update on this weekend's match.
8 Feb 09 (Sunday) 9am @ Boon Lay Sec.
My apologies initially the match was arranged for us at Juying Secondary but it has been shifted to Boon Lay Secondary School.

Sorry if the map is not very clear.
Anyway these are the confirmed players.
Ah Fat
Xian Xi
Ka weng
Ah Seng
Tian JunYet to Confirmed:
Current Funding we have now is $50.
Match Cost : $80
Essentially each person would have to pay $8.
I wouldn't call this pay la...its more towards contributing to the Club Fund...
We getting team jerseys and we looking for someone intellectual to give us a name....
And i have a plan to disseminate all my task to everyone so everyone could have a fair share in the ownership of the team.... below are the possible appointments and job scope.....
Hopefully it could be formulated in the next few weeks....
Manpower: (1 person)
( In charge of calling up players to play for the match every week.)
Logistic: (2-3 Person)
( The logistic end is in charge of all the logistical arrangement for the team... Jersey...Drinks...Ball...Ball Pump....etc etc...)
Transport: ( 1-2 Person)
( He is just focus on arranging transport and make sure that the team nobody gets lost to and fro ...)
Finance: ( 1-2 person )
(Collection of money every game and in charge of the funding in the team.)
Match Co-ordinator/Scriptwriter: (1-2 person)
(As per stated in the above....just arrange the game with refree...book pitch...arrange frequent training matches...No match maybe can arrange Fico....Enlist us for tournaments if there is any.....at the end of the match tabulate all the scores and do a match review....)
Okay i know everything above is a bit Army-fied but great teams cannot survive if they dun have a proper admin system... so with a stable Admin system i hope we can keep going a long way.... Essentially we are going into small time League soon so before we embark on this journey....on the back end we have to iron out all the roles and responsibilities....
So the above job appointment if open up for bidding... Please post your area of interest in the Chatbox and i will have it registered....
Last but not least...there will be a Welfare Oic....He will be in charge of organising Party session....Boozing Session... Drinking and Gambling Session for the Team...And without any further Ado may we unveil this person....
Yours Truly....
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